welcome to our blog, note that all images are copyright of Marcus Foley & Dore Stockhausen.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Marcus' Recent Silver Rings

Here's a little slide show of some of the silver rings Marcus made this year. They have been set with re-claimed porcelain, synthetic sapphires, glass and black pebbles.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Spring Enameling Classes

Hi everyone,
with October almost just around the corner I am planning our spring enameling classes.
I know this is very early notice, but I am going overseas for 5 weeks and the classes basically start straight away after my return. I am offering a Monday night class 6-9pm starting on the 14th of October and a Thursday morning 9.30 - 12.30 class starting on the 10th of October. Both classes are running for 10 weeks and are open to beginners and advanced participants.
Beginners will learn basic goldsmithing skills, experiment with enamel and make a ring or pendant with cloisonne enamel.
Advanced participants will further their goldsmithing skills, experiment with new enamel techniques and learn to make a champleve ring or pendant.
And for those of you who have already taken part in 3 courses, we will improve our soldering skills by making a silver chain. And we will enamel on more 3 dimensional forms that will be domed and hammered beforehand. Maybe even get away from the circle!
Classes are strictly limited to 5 participants  and a $150 deposit will secure your place.

Please email us on the email link to express your interest and receive the enrollment form.